Congratulations, you just partnered with Easy Talent Academy.
We are very excited to have you on board.
You can start submitting your videos to info@easytalentacademy.com or via WhatsApp and start making $$$ immediately.
Don't forget to send us your Paypal account for your 20% transfer.
For video to be accepted needs to meet the criteria:
1. Minimum 3 minutes
2. Maximum 10 minutes
3. Good sound without any background noise
4. Good setting/atmosphere
5. Good lightning and quality
6. Related to Ballet/Points/Music/Costumes/Dance/Sports/Fitness/Joga/Aerobics/Physical activity/Diets/Healthy Life/Dealing with Children/Advising/Hair Style
7. You can do one time tutorial or series of them (we can sell a package for example)
8. If you do different videos make sure your outfit is different.
9. You have to mention Easy Talent Academy in the video, you can mention us as a partner or sponsor.
10. Videos have to be in english
Make sure to arrange nice atmosphere, we will also montage, edit and adjust videos for sale, we will also market it for you.
You will make %20 after taxes for each downloaded video/tutorial.
Note: Easy Talent Academy has the right to reject any video/material submitted if it's not within the standards for our clientele.